Digital Film        2023

NEURESCAPE is a fictional future anti-chip brain control project. This work aims to showcase a future controlled by Brain-Computer Interface technology through records of NEURESCAPE, prompting audiences to reconsider the possibilities of how this technology might be use in the future and how our utilization of technology could have repercussions on ourselves.



During a recent deep dive, I encountered Nitrogen Narcosis, a physiological response that occurs at the neuronal level, which inspires this project.

The principle underlying Nitrogen Narcosis involves nitrogen atoms binding to neurons in deep-sea conditions, disrupting neuronal activity.



Advancements in neurological science have facilitated the development of invasive BCIs, ushering in a transformable era where technology quietly influences our inherent human nature. It is time to reassess and redefine our approach to this pioneering technology.



                              2177, POST CHIPS ERA

                              This is an era where BCI technology is widely used.
                              However, BCI's coercive effects on human's brain lead to a range of 'Chip Dependence'.

                              Government starts NEURESCAPE project, to solve a series of problems caused by chips.




I design a post-human 'brain-controlled' scenario by BCI to illustrate the background and worldview of the project, as well as the dream-making wearable and experimental equipment in the Neurescape project based on Nitrogen Narcosis.


This project speculated on a future where BCI is widely used, and humans become overly reliant on chips, thereby being deprived of their freedom of thought. NEURESCAPE, as a government-initiated anti-chip brain control project, is attempting to restore freedom of thought through various methods.

Digital Film        2023

NEURESCAPE is a fictional future anti-chip brain control project. This work aims to showcase a future controlled by Brain-Computer Interface technology through records of NEURESCAPE, prompting audiences to reconsider the possibilities of how this technology might be use in the future and how our utilization of technology could have repercussions on ourselves.



During a recent deep dive, I encountered Nitrogen Narcosis, a physiological response that occurs at the neuronal level, which inspires this project.

The principle underlying Nitrogen Narcosis involves nitrogen atoms binding to neurons in deep-sea conditions, disrupting neuronal activity.



Advancements in neurological science have facilitated the development of invasive BCIs, ushering in a transformable era where technology quietly influences our inherent human nature. It is time to reassess and redefine our approach to this pioneering technology.



In this project I speculated on a future society that have already been transformed by brain computer interface.
                              2177, POST CHIPS ERA

                              This is an era where BCI technology is widely used.
                              However, BCI's coercive effects on human's brain lead to a range of 'Chip Dependence'.

                              Government starts NEURESCAPE project, to solve a series of problems caused by chips.




I design a post-human 'brain-controlled' scenario by BCI to illustrate the background and worldview of the project, as well as the dream-making wearable and experimental equipment in the Neurescape project based on Nitrogen Narcosis.


This project speculated on a future where BCI is widely used, and humans become overly reliant on chips, thereby being deprived of their freedom of thought. NEURESCAPE, as a government-initiated anti-chip brain control project, is attempting to restore freedom of thought through various methods.